“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” is the first part of the famous opening sentence to Charles Dickens’ classic novel, A Tale of Two Cities. It’s also the start of an answer to classic discussion about determining the best time to send an email blast or newsletter for your email marketing campaign.
Email can be a powerful tool for reaching customers and prospects, and it’s still one of the primary ways for us to communicate even in an age with so many social media channels. You always improve your odds for success by sending that email – whether to a single person, a tightly targeted group or a huge mailing list – on the best day at the best time for that target to be receptive.

If one thing hasn’t changed in the last 10 years, it’s that you constantly need to innovate and change to compete.
Lew Platt, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard, said in a speech 10 years ago: “You must anticipate that whatever made you successful in the past won’t in the future.” He made the statement in a speech that Industry Week characterized as “a bit of sage advice for guiding an organization in a time of rapid and turbulent change.”
If you go back and read the article, well, you’ll find that 10 years later, much remains unchanged about innovation, entrepreneurialism and change.
We’re well into a new year, but along with credit card bills, we have another leftover from the holidays – with a good marking message for small businesses.
Google recently shared an ad promoting its organic search capabilities that warms even the hardest of hearts. While we have all been entertained by comical ads through the years, the ones that stick with us often have a deeper meaning. Yes, online search is very, very powerful.