Having Google rank you high is worth a lot to a lot of companies. Even if you live off of referrals, networking or trade shows, prospects do ‘just check’ online to see what else they should know or do to validate your offering, usually from your competitors. That’s why being…

To be a top SEO company (i.e. to rank high with Google) doesn’t necessarily mean you have the most money or the most people. Instead, it means you know the rules and you play to your strengths, much as you do with the rules of the Federal tax code. Knowing…

Like it or not, marketing your business involves online marketing. If you are B2C (business-to-consumer), this is obvious. If you are B2B (business-to-business) or B2G (business-to-government), your networking and trade show efforts are still impacted by your online presence. And that’s where Google Search Engine Marketing is required. Yes, required;…