As part of the planning committee, I urge you to save 4 PM to 8 pm on Thursday October 8, 2015 for an interesting evening of ideas and the great networking that TAG (Technology Association of Georgia) events are known for. Taking place at the Buckhead Club, you will hear…

To generate new clients and customers, we previously wrote how top SEO agencies develop SEO and supporting programs by knowing how to communicate for two audiences. You and Google. You for readability – knowledge transfer – and Google’s algorithm for SEO ranking. We have proven that you can balance the…

Google changed their logo last week because Google has evolved. If your business or practice needs to attract new customers, clients or patients, and SEO for organic search or Google AdWords has or could prove beneficial, then Google’s logo change should be viewed as a not-so-subtle advisory note to you….

If finding new customers wasn’t hard enough, businesses using Google SEO to be found online have more changes to deal with. If you derive business locally, whether you use a top SEO agency or do this in-house, the Google Snack Pack needs to be in your vocabulary. SEO agencies routinely…

As generating new clients and customers changes, we look for new or better answers everywhere. If you are looking for a top SEO advisor, Google’s co-founder Larry Page is one to listen to. Page said that having human beings determine the ratings of things was first, inherently impractical.. Further, humans…

Now Google Warning about JavaScript for Top SEO Page Ranking On the morning of June 28th, 2015, webmasters all over the world found themselves inundated with email inboxes full of fresh errors from Google Webmasters. As a top SEO agency, we like getting notices from Google because they are into…

Like so many companies that want more customers, clients or patients, a business owner asked their web design company if they did SEO. Not just do SEO — could they do great SEO so that they could see results and track ROI. When the web design company said yes, the…

I heard it again talking with a business owner: How do I get more patients? Getting more patients or customers, both are the end-user consumer. I don’t have a big budget and the marketing programs I’ve tried don’t seem to work. There’s billboards, search engine optimization (SEO), Google AdWords, direct…

My prior post discussed conversations at a recent meeting of marketing leaders, where it was reiterated that the challenge for a business owner is to get more customers is about getting the right message to the right person at the right time. And I said it wasn’t about “doing SEO.”…

I attended another marketing program in an effort to stay at the front of what makes our clients successful. Everyone is looking for more customers or patients. A growing number are turning to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) while others hope that their radio and billboard advertisements provide a good return;…