Small Business Marketing Use Google+ to Enhance Your SEO Ranking and Build Your Online Community
Social media revolve around creating buzz to keep your SEO rankings high. So it makes a lot of sense to be where the buzzers are, and Google+ is one of those places.
Google+ has a base of 540 million active monthly users, and Google still rules the search engine roost, says Brett Relander in an Entrepreneur blog post.
“Google Plus sees its number of users increase daily,” he writes. “Facebook continues to be the social media behemoth with the most users. But the increase in web traffic via (Google+) indicates that businesses can choose to ignore it at their own peril. Besides, the value of grabbing the first mover advantage over one’s competition cannot be overstated. Google+ users are often early adopters and technology lovers. Your customers will be on it sooner rather than later and many probably already are.”
One of the many benefits of building your Google+ profile and associated features is their online communities. Writing for Hootsuite, Scott Wilder has 10 reasons to use Google+ communities – and we concur that building strong online communities strengthens your online presence.
- Drink Google juice; Google reportedly favors Google+ content in search.
- Embrace user content by creating a place where your stakeholders can interact.
- Know what your prospects are saying about you and how they say it.
- Let the people show their appreciation of your products with +1s and clicks and generate about 5% more clicks because of the +1 button.
- Associate your brand with thought leadership within your category.
- You have the flexibility to create private or public communities.
- Generate leads by driving visitors to a landing page and launch them to your lead-generation process.
- Segment content by building out categories and using hashtags to filter your content and improve “discoverability”.
- Launch an event.
- Leverage the Circles functionality to extend your network and send customized messages to different groups of users.
Niche Labs can help you enhance your search engine ranking and visibility and build your online communities through Google+. We are a full-service agency for businesses that don’t have a CMO or VP of Marketing or that don’t have the people or time to develop websites, manage SEO and digital/ direct marketing campaigns. As part of your team, we can create the channels for pushing out your content and work with you to get the information out to your targeted market.
For more tips and insights about attracting more business through organic searches, connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter or subscribe to our monthly newsletter to read summaries of our weekly posts.
Let’s talk about a strategy to build a Google+ campaign to meet your search engine and community-building needs. To speak with our team, please Email us at sales@nichelabs.com, call 888.978.9254, or if you are mobile, visit us on your smartphone.