Need More Time to Work ON Your Business (instead of IN it)? Advisors Say: Outsource Marketing and Marketing Communications
Are you wearing so many hats at your business that you can’t walk through the door? We’ve written before – about how many entrepreneurs never develop their businesses to their maximum capacity because, as described in the E-Myth, they spend so much time doing their business’ operations and delivery.
Small-business coach Melinda Emerson revisited the subject of outsourcing business activities in a Huffington Post blog.
“When you can get assistance with tasks you are probably not skilled at anyway, you will have more time for higher level activities like business development and project management,” she writes. “Great leaders know it is more productive to outsource work that is not revenue generating but essential to business operations. Since time is such a prized commodity when running a small business, it is smart to leverage the talents of others rather than trying to do it all by yourself.”
Amen. Two of the activities she strongly urged to outsource, along with payroll, are marketing and marketing communications. She writes:
“Subcontract Your Marketing Efforts: Marketing is the fuel of a small business. Your marketing efforts tie directly to your sales results. So if you are too busy working in the business you already have to focus on closing the next sale, you need some help. Outsource your marketing efforts to a consultant or public relations specialist for your small business. Some marketing people will help you develop downloadable content for your website, conduct email marketing campaigns. Some will focus on reaching out to LinkedIn contacts; they can handle direct inquiries or pitch you for speaking opportunities. They can also develop media pitches and monitor HARO for media opportunities.”
“Subcontract Your Social Media Marketing: There are plenty of solopreneur marketing consultants and social media marketing agencies that can handle developing your social media strategy, content development and social promotion for your company. When you perform these tasks in-house, you often fail to retain the consistency of doing them. I am pretty sure, if you hire the right person or firm, and give them a specific niche focus and strong message about your product or service, your marketing efforts will flourish over time. Just remember that social media is a long-term strategy, so be prepared to invest 12-24 months to achieve your goals.”
Melinda also recommends outsourcing payroll, bookkeeping and administrative support. Niche Labs can help you with all of that through our referral network of trusted partners As a small business, we depend on outsourcing to help our own efficiency, and we know many people who provide a range of services that help small businesses and entrepreneurs get the most out of every precious minute they spend working on their business.
As a full-service agency for businesses that don’t have a CMO or VP of Marketing or that don’t have the people or time to develop websites, manage SEO and digital/ direct marketing campaigns, we can take on your marketing and marketing communications. As part of your marketing team, we can create the channels for pushing out your content and work with you to get the information out to your targeted market.
For more tips and insights about attracting more business through organic searches, connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter or subscribe to our monthly newsletter to read summaries of our weekly posts.
Let’s review your marketing and marketing communications strategies or develop them. And while we’re at it, we’d love to talk about your other outsourcing needs and lend a hand there, too.. To speak with our team, please Email us at sales@nichelabs.com, call 888.978.9254, or if you are mobile, visit us on your smartphone.