Fast Facts
Small businesses at greater risk for hacking
According to a recent issue of American Express Open Forum, hackers are focusing more on small businesses than ever before. In the first six months of this year, the percentage of targeted attacks on small businesses (with fewer than 250 employees) was double what it was for the same period in 2011.
Cyber criminals are especially attracted to small companies with large-company clients because small businesses tend to have weaker security than their larger brethren. If you haven’t upgraded your website security recently, please consider doing so with NicheLabs Website Watcher™, a very affordable security solution tailored to the special needs of small businesses.
For information and pricing on NicheLabs WebsiteWatcher™, please email sales@nichelabs.com or call 866.413.7952.
Choose happiness and success will follow
That same issue of Open Forum quotes a new book, The Happiness Advantage, by Harvard professor Shawn Achor, which challenges the conventional notion that hard work and good performance lead to the success that makes us happy.
Not so, says, Achor, because true happiness, a rational optimism based on reality, leads to the kind of expansive, resourceful thinking that makes us more productive, higher performing and more successful. Simply starting your day with a list of three things to be grateful for actually changes the way your brain processes your challenges of the day.
It pays to be happy.