It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time – Make Top SEO Agency Programs Accountable
You thought that an SEO campaign or a paid Search campaign like Google AdWords or Facebook was a good idea? You had business colleagues tell you it was working for them? You read something on one of your industry blogs or newsletters that an SEO campaign has become a necessity while traditional media effectiveness erodes?
So why are you having your doubts?
Talking with colleagues last week, it was fascinating how many businesses don’t have the results of their SEO programs — either because they don’t have reporting, or they don’t understand the reporting they receive. Terms like SERP, domain authority, CPC and CTR are confusing. Yes, digital marketing has a language different from traditional media’s TV, radio and newspaper impressions and reach (which are based on estimates from research sampling). Such terms are replaced by digital marketing or internet marketing’s overload of numbers — Google page ranking to the amount of time a visitor spent on your website, what pages they viewed, did they fill out a form. What type of website did they come from before viewing your site. Lots of data.
The key is to have the right data for your business. You want more customers, clients and patients. Period. The other measurements are details that your marketing person or marketing agency should deal with.
We agree. That’s why we direct all of our clients to use call tracking along with website form-fill tracking. Regardless of how many people viewed 3 or more pages on your website, you want the phone to ring and to do more business.
Chances are your phone system can do this. Our friend Paul Mancini has shown our clients that use ShoreTel phone systems that the reporting already exists; they just hadn’t understood how to use it.
Regardless of your phone system, any top SEO agency like NicheLabs can implement an inexpensive dynamic call tracking system so that you know how many calls to your office were from people who found you via Google, via a paid Search program or any number of unique advertising channels you want to track.
An added benefit is that the calls can be recorded for training or evaluation. And for our medical clients, the calls are stored and accessibility to the calls is HIPAA compliant.
Yes, you can know how to quantify, validate and verify that your digital marketing programs are working. As one of my favorite business advisors, W. Edwards Deming said, “Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”
While there’s hardcore data, much of which an SEO agency would use to update and modify its Search programs, there’s high level data that can be trended so that business owners know if what seemed like a good idea before truly is a good idea.
To speak with a NicheLabs professional, send us an email using our website contact form, or give us a call at 888.978.9254. We look forward to talking with you.