Content is King. Engagement is Queen. Top SEO Agencies Know Both.
So you don’t want to be beholden to Google to gain more customers, clients or patients. You have a good product, good pricing, and testimonials from some friendlies. Why can’t you keep it simple; “keep it 100”? Heck, there is military strategy that relies on going around the flank instead of head-on with your competition on Google or Google AdWords.
With Google making hundreds of changes annually, like the recent layout change of the ‘local map’ and layout change to where Google paid search ads appear, there should be a way around Google. Sure, stick with direct sales and word of mouth — but the reality is that word of mouth has been converted to online reviews. (Learn more about this at a TAG Social/TAG Marketing event that we’re planning for this summer. More to come on that.)
With 70% of online searches done via Google and the remaining 30% shared by more than ten other search engines combined, if you want to be found online, Google is it. A Google SEO campaign is it.
If you can remember Verdi’s opera Aida (remember it, not necessarily like it), then you’re on your way to a successful online marketing program. For nearly one hundred years, marketers have known that a good message follows the acronym AIDA: Attention | Interest | Desire | Action. And AIDA definitely applies to a strong SEO program, an email campaign, and a Google AdWords campaign.
Jump back to Content and Engagement. Google thinks better of you if you provide more targeted content. Humans think better of you if you provide more interesting content. Yet you think better of yourself if you can get the reader or visitor engaged enough to call you, visit you, and complete an online form.
Whether you are doing organic SEO to increase your Google ranking, or doing Google AdWords, doing a Facebook or LinkedIn post or an email campaign, you want engagement. Give visitors something to do. Hook ‘em before you try to reel ‘em in. Get that first date before you ask to get married.
What calls-to-action can you think of beyond “buy now” How about ‘tell us your opinion,” “ vote for your favorite…,” “enter to win…” and “for a free sample.” If your SEO program gets you traffic, what do you want the visitor to do?
It’s common for us to write headlines and copy to get Attention. Your concise, authentic, targeted content builds emotional Interest and leads to a logic-based Desire. That’s what you and I do naturally. We get someone’s attention and we talk about logical features and emotional benefits. And that’s all good for Google SEO programs and Google paid search campaigns.
The challenge is to not stop there. Remember the Queen. Some say that the Queen rules the house. What we can agree on is that getting seen is nice; getting engaged is great. And making a sale or closing a deal is awesome.
If you want a sounding board for your ideas, or you want someone to share ideas and best practices, NicheLabs will offer an initial free consultation. That’s our invitation to you to engage with us. Take us for a test drive to judge how we think and how our style aligns with yours. Email us using our website contact form, or call us at 888.978.9254.