Are You and Your SEO Specialists Prepared for Google Page Ranking Change? If you’re the person running your business, or running your marketing programs, then you know that it’s hard, really hard, to ignore. Like it or not, Search Engine Marketing in Atlanta and throughout the Internet will change because…

Video gets attention – big time — for SEO and website designers and users because it makes the website design more engaging. According to a video post by Scott Wiliford, CEO of vLink Solutions, YouTube is the third most-visited social media channel, trailing only Facebook and Google+ and ahead of Twitter. More than one billion unique visitors each month watch six billion hours of video. That’s according to figures from the Content Marketing Institute.
Much of the reason that Content Marketers are uploading 100 hours of video every minute to help their SEO or website design is because video has become easy and inexpensive. Willford’s company has packages starting at $200 per finished minute of production, with website welcome videos and video blogs typically 1to 3 minutes long.

Here’s a competitive intelligence tool that’s credible and free.
Google Alerts can help you stay up to date on developments in your business by tracking industry news and trends and your competitors’ activities automatically. And this information has a wide variety of uses beyond tracking your competitors, such as gathering material for email marketing and social media campaigns.
We always think of Google searches as a way for customers and prospects to find out about us. As one of the world’s largest aggregators of information, Google is well-positioned to pull in news articles, blog posts, even website changes and anything else that hits the Internet. Google Alerts is a free service, all of it delivered to your email box whenever and as often as you want. Google Alerts recently launched a redesign of its format for better aesthetics and management.

Small business owners often seek our advice regarding how much they can and should charge for advertising on their website. The short answer is, “It depends.”
First, determine the value of your online real estate.
The amount of visibility, website traffic and type of content all factor into the value of your website to potential advertisers. When determining the amount you can charge for advertising, ask yourself the following questions.

IDC Construction is a national construction company that renovates hotels and resorts for some of the world’s leading hotel brands – including Hilton, Radisson, Doubletree, Hyatt Regency, Crowne Plaza, Marriott, Holiday Inn and more. With clients like those, the people of IDC are used to meeting high standards and expect nothing less from the companies that serve them.
For this reason, Atlanta website design and marketing firm NicheLabs is proud to be the one that IDC Construction has selected to redesign its website.

Nezhat Medical Center of Atlanta, GA, has selected Atlanta website design firm NicheLabs to make their website more functional in meeting their needs by converting it to a WordPress CMS (content management system).
As a national leader in minimally invasive surgical techniques for treating women’s health disorders, Nezhat Medical Center also conducts educational programs to teach its streamlined and interdisciplinary approaches to medical students, residents, fellows and other physicians.