Peter Pietruszko, owner of Speedy Air Conditioning in Naples, FL, has high standards that have earned him Trane’s “Premier Dealer” and Lennox’s “Comfort Specialist” awards – the highest levels of achievement recognized by both manufacturers.
When he decided to build a new website, he naturally wanted to find the best firm in Naples to do the job. When he asked business associates for a recommendation, they said NicheLabs, a full-service website design firm with offices throughout the Southeast, including Naples and Atlanta.

Nezhat Medical Center of Atlanta, GA, has selected Atlanta website design firm NicheLabs to make their website more functional in meeting their needs by converting it to a WordPress CMS (content management system).
As a national leader in minimally invasive surgical techniques for treating women’s health disorders, Nezhat Medical Center also conducts educational programs to teach its streamlined and interdisciplinary approaches to medical students, residents, fellows and other physicians.

An image to match the reputation of one of the world’s premier plastic surgeons
What do you do when you are a plastic surgeon so talented you have a six-month waiting list and speaking engagements that take you all over the world – and an out-of-date website that barely hints at the prestige associated with your name?
You rebrand – and you do it with a brand-new website designed by Atlanta website design firm NicheLabs.

How a new website is helping Clear Choice Telephones send customers a clear message
When Michael and Jane Higgins decided that their website no longer adequately reflected their company, they wanted to do something radical.
The first step, one of the most laborious, was getting the copy just right.
Most of our clients come to us for a custom-designed website. However, they’ve all seen ads for free templates and wonder if a custom-designed site is really worth the money.
If you were buying a pair of shoes to wear to a formal event, how satisfied would you be if your choices were all the same size and style – a casual oxford, for example – with your only options being color and texture? Even if that shoe were half the price of the shoe that was perfect for you in size, style and color, would you still purchase it? Even if it were free, would you still want it?

What kind of website do you build when your customers’ customers live in some of the most beautiful homes in the Southeast?
That was the question. And Hollis Architectural Products partners Frazier Hollis and Earl Rogers had the answer when they came to NicheLabs to build their first website, which went live last week. As their tagline says, their business is “Distinctive Windows and Doors.” As they wrote in their creative brief, their website had to be “high end, professional and artsy.”