Does 49% More for 45% Less Sound Appealing?
As global corporations demand faster, cheaper and better operating solutions, companies are demanding even greater returns on their marketing investments. Which marketing investments are paying off the most and why?
Facebook has identified a sweet spot for digital marketing, and both Facebook and advertisers are reaping the benefits. The social media giant is selling ads that are included in users’ news feeds, which enables brands to target consumers who have previously visited their sites. This return-visitor targeting method, or retargeting, enables advertisers to merge what people want with a social networking capabilities. According to a study published by Adroll, news feed retargeting had a click-through rate 49 times higher than right-hand side ads and 21 times higher than standard web retargeting.
Online marketer and author, John Koetsier, recently interviewed Adroll president, Adam Berke, regarding the study Adroll published. Berke stated, “A year ago we were having the discussion that Facebook doesn’t work, and GM is pulling its ads. Now we’re having the conversation on whether this rivals Google!”
Online Advertising Expected to Continue Impressive Growth
Strategy Analytics, a provider of data publications, analyses and custom research, cites the following Global Advertising Forecast. According to the study, in addition to matching global online advertising growth at 14 percent, the U.S is expected to outpace global growth in the social space at 30 percent and grow the fastest in the online video segment.
Skype? Is That You Calling?
Time will tell what provider will introduce the next innovation, but the general manager of Skype, Lovina McMurchy, whet our appetite in a recent interview by sharing the company’s focus on building and launching its native advertising platform in the coming year.
The goal of native advertising is to enable advertisers to create branded hubs where they provide content that Skype users can share with their contacts. With more than 300 million people using the online video calling service every month, McMurchy has indeed commanded the attention of online advertisers.
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To share your thoughts on news feed advertising, other digital marketing tools, or if you are interested in learning how your company can benefit from having NicheLabs create your social media campaigns, email us at sales@nichelabs.com or call 888.978.9254.