Meet Google and YikYak in Person in ATL so You Can be a Top SEO Company
As part of the planning committee, I urge you to save 4 PM to 8 pm on Thursday October 8, 2015 for an interesting evening of ideas and the great networking that TAG (Technology Association of Georgia) events are known for.
Taking place at the Buckhead Club, you will hear about best practices for connecting and engaging with your prospects, using SEO, YouTube and social media at the TAG Social Savvy Awards.
Having attended the prior three Social Savvy awards, you can be sure you’ll come away with ideas for better marketing, better SEO, and better communications. Last year, Twitter’s Ryan Oliver (@Ryno) pointed out that your phone and its apps know more about you than – well – your spouse or your mother. With that in mind, you can begin to update your strategy about SEO for mobile, website design for mobile, etc.
The year before, LinkedIn’s Luke Davies shared how to change the way companies hire, market and sell services. Remember the old advertising adage that “I know that 50% of my advertising message is wasted (going to the wrong people at the wrong time), I just don’t know what 50%”? Like SEO programs, LinkedIn has proven to be a very effective paid advertising channel as well as a creative way to find your targeted B2B buyers. While the best SEO programs can rank you for your desired keywords, LinkedIn enables you to search and hunt for your prospects – by location, by job title, by company – and you can reach them in many ways.
Check out this video from last year’s event at the Discovery Center – a great time was had by all! Along with this year keynote from Google, speakers include PGi, QASymphony, Yik Yak, and our award winners.
Catch up with NicheLabs there! As a friend of NicheLabs, you can use the code SOCOFRIEND to save 50% on the registration fee.
Give NicheLabs a call at 888.978.9254, or email us with our website contact form, to discuss how to leverage market trends for your organic SEO program, Paid Search program, social media, email and of course, website design and development. We’ll help you be savvy.