Browser Selection Gives Insight to Top Marketing and SEO Programs
Are you part of the mass migration of browser users from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer to Google’s Chrome? This is not a matter of being a PC vs Apple user, and not about using desktop vs mobile device display. Instead, the recent report that Google’s Chrome browser is now the most used browser provides another example of how Google is successfully focused on making a better user experience, and why your marketing and SEO programs can’t escape Google’s influence – even if you don’t have an SEO program.
In April 2015, we had a number of clients decide to make their websites mobile friendly because Google began separating their search results based on your website’s mobile friendliness. Google has made other changes that impact your marketing and SEO programs, including how you are listed in business directories, and that prompted businesses to change their tactics as well. The point is that Google influences how your competitors are behaving.
Google launched Chrome in 2008. While 8 years may seem like forever in Internet-years, consumer-inertia was not in their favor. Consumers don’t change unless the pain is worth the change; just think of something you settle for in your life because ‘it’s just not worth the effort to change’ — maybe your video or cell phone provider, or your bank. Now, even the NetMarketShare report that Microsoft uses to report Internet Explorer and their new Edge browser users shows that Google’s Chrome browser is used by more people. And Chrome’s plan to introduce an updated Chrome design to be even more touch-friendly shows that Google wants to do even better.
Aside from knowing this cool factoid, consider how this impacts getting more customers. Google needs to be part of your marketing, whether you want to be found through offline marketing or a Google SEO program, paid search using Google AdWords.
So this impacts offline? Yes, it does, because offline marketing has been about trade shows, presentations, networking, and best of all, referrals. With Google’s valuing content — relevant content, the more content the better — much of the uniqueness of offline marketing is finding its way online.
It’s what we call repurposing. Giving a presentation? Optimize it and post it online, help your SEO program and be part on the online conversation. Going to be at a trade show? Optimize it and post it online to help your SEO program. Got a review or testimonial? Post it online to help your SEO program. You get the idea.
If you want more ideas or want to know how to repurpose work you’ve done so that you get extra visibility for modest effort and modest dollars, we invite you to contact NicheLabs at 888-978-9254, or to send us an email using our website contact form for an initial conversation. We love talking about marketing strategy and then putting those ideas into action.