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Google Believes Humans are Unreliable, so Top SEO Agencies in Atlanta Know to Live by the 200+ Variable Algorithm

As generating new clients and customers changes, we look for new or better answers everywhere. If you are looking for a top SEO advisor, Google’s co-founder Larry Page is one to listen to. Page said that having human beings determine the ratings of things was first, inherently impractical.. Further, humans were unreliable. Whether you are doing an SEO program, Google AdWords, social media or email programs, can you balance “humans are unreliable” while you know your buyers, your decision makers, are humans?

We continue to prove that the answer is yes, you can balance the algorithm-based SEO program with appealing to humans.

When top SEO agencies develop SEO or supporting programs, we know how to communicate for two audiences. You and Google. You for readability – knowledge transfer – and Google for SEO ranking.

Writing for humans should be more easily understood. Today’s readers value their time, so be to the point, and invite someone to “read more” if they are interested. When there were newspaper writers, they knew to write the most important item first, and then write in decreasing order of importance. If the editor ran out of space, the editor and the writer both knew which paragraphs to remove first. The same principle applies here. Before optimizing for SEO tactics, write concisely so that your reader knows it is worth their time and effort to read more.

Writing for Google’s SEO ranking is a different set of rules. Instead of the value of the content, it becomes the combination of 200+ variables that make up Google’s algorithm. It starts with optimizing the keywords for that page, which includes keyword density, keyword location, page title, tags, and image tags. Then it becomes optimizing the website so that your website visitors value your website, which Google measures by factors including how many pages they view, and how much time they stay on your site.

To Google’s credit, your SEO tactics now need to appeal to both humans and algorithms. If you don’t have an SEO specialist on your team, consider partnering with an agency like NicheLabs for coaching or consulting. While Google thinks humans are unreliable for SEO page ranking, humans are the ones reading and using the websites. NicheLabs is here to help you integrate SEO programs, social media, email and your offline tactics. We welcome a discussion with you. Email us using our website contact form, or call us at 888.978.9254.