Look Within: Internal Page Links Help Site Visitors – and Search Engines
Sometimes, your best SEO booster might be an internal link on your website. In a nutshell, Google depends on content for its searches, and if you can post quality content that contains links to your pages, the search bots will be all over it, and you’ll deliver pages that help influence the decision to do business with you.
If you have a WordPress-based website and regularly post blogs or news items, you’re already throwing out bait for the search-engine bots. If your blog/news post is well-written and full of what Google judges to be good, solid, accurate information (see our blog post on fake news), it will give you good scores. If your story is compelling, it will hold readers’ attention.
Within that compelling blog/news post, you now have the opportunity to direct your website visitors to the pages you want them to see. It could be a page or several pages that describe products or services related to the content in your news/blog post. Once you get visitors to one of your target pages, you can start to reel them in. You can have links to pages with spec sheets or brochures they can download and share with others who might be part of the decision-making team or an influencer. Your call to action (CTA) on any page can link them to your shopping cart or purchase function. You could also link them to a contact page, where you’ll be able to get specific information from them to help you close the buying decision.
Those pages that get you closer to the transaction don’t necessarily pop up in a search. They’re delivered internally, and they get you closer to your goal, if not actually there.
Having your visitors click on your internal links does a lot of other good things – things that Google notices.
- They spend increased time on your website.
- They visit multiple pages.
- If your titles, tags and keywords are strong, the page gets a higher ranking on searches.
Everything starts with good content, and good content goes farther when you have a good strategy to get people to the pages where you mean business. A few well-place internal links can be your game changer.
As a full-service digital marketing agency, NicheLabs can help you get more mileage out of your blogging and news posts and all those awesome pages on your website. Our process includes working with you to develop a content strategy, producing or editing your content and posting it on your website and all other places where you can stand out to attract more business. We can complement your content with website updates and digital marketing campaigns, including email blasts and pay-per-click advertising. If you’d like to start a conversation now, we invite you to contact us at 888-978-9254, or by sending an email using our website contact form. We love to talk about marketing, best practices for SEO programs, brand messaging and content strategy.